Shower the people you love with love……

This past Saturday was the official ARTernity Leave shower! Oh yes, there was a fancy cake with stork decorations:


and traditional shower presents such as this utlity bucket, safety glasses, work rags, and many Home Depot gift cards. Thank you to all the fine folks who brought useful gifts and gift cards to Home Depot, Lowe’s, and cash gifts to help buy a tile cutter, grout, mortar, extra tiles, etc. Your generosity is truly appreciated.





IMG_1477This gift card proudly announced “It’s a trowel!” Thanks, Nicole.

IMG_1507This gift card is mucho macho. Thanks for the MAN CARD, Tracy and Allan!

There was yummy food like home made chili and stew, gluten free brownies, artisinal cheeses, wine, wine, and ,more wine.

But the best part about the shower was the sense of community, generosity , and creativity that abounded. A line of tables was set up on the lawn and for 5 hours folks dropped in and made tiles in the shape of pomegranates, corn, and other fruits and veggies that will be placed in the Healthy Foods mosaic. A few kids made pinch pots with the extra clay. There was a lot of chatting, laughter, and getting to know each other and this is what the shower was all about. I am very grateful to all the folks that attended and gave me gift cards to purchase a tile saw, grout, extra tiles, mortar, etc., but I am even more grateful for the friends and support and the beautiful time we had on Saturday. Thank you to everyone for celebrating art and community. A special thank you to Nicole for all her help, Holly for staying and cleaning up, James and Sarah for the table and chairs loan (and for loaning their 7 year old daughter to help out), Alyse for helping with the tile making, and, Benj for always helping.


Martha in front of the drying tiles (and pinch pots)

Here’s some photos from the day. Lots of tiles were made. People ha a good time talking and making tiles together which is why I had the event in the first place. The gifts and the food were wonderful, but the main reason I didn’t do a Kickstarter campaign was to get people together, making tiles, and sharing the experience as a community. What a beautiful day! Check this blog for updates. The mosaic will take some time to assemble and create, but I will be posting updates along the way.


Making grapes!


At the tile making table.


Jooj groovin’ on her corn tile!


Virginia proudly holding up her fig leaf tile!


When are you going to cut that cake?????


A whole lotta tile makin’ going on!

Once again I want to stress to women out there that have opted not to have children,cannot have children, etc. that there are many paths to walk in this life. We can give birth to a whole array of creations we can offer up to the world. I am very grateful for the path I am walking and encourage other women to walk the path they need to walk in life with joy in their hearts.

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