Monthly Archives: August 2015

The unveiling

The Echo Park “Healthy Foods” mosaic was unveiled recently and what an exciting day it was! Councilman Mitch O’Farrell announced the unveiling in front of a large, supportive crowd filled with friends, colleagues, and community members. A section of the mosaic is dedicated to local activist Isa Meksin who has always worked tirelessly for the community with an emphasis on bringing fresh fruits and vegetables to the inner city. Councilman O’Farrell presented Ms. Meksin and me with an official commendation from the city of LA. The attention and commendation was certainly nice, but the best part of the event was when approximately 20 community members and the councilman let the veil covering the mosaic drop to the floor and a Mariachi band started playing lively and festive music the minute the veil hit the sidewalk. People were laughing and smiling and dancing; a true celebration of art and community spirit.  I have met countless people from all walks of life while working on the mosaic, have heard their various stories, have accepted gifts such as a snow cone, flowers, and even a hand embroidered vest from these beautiful folks and I am honored to call this wild, wonderful, and wacky city of LA home. I MUST thank two community members who helped me grout the mosaic. Mario Morales and Martin Mayoral worked tirelessly for 8 hours on a very hot day grouting the mosaic. I cannot express enough gratitude for these two gentlemen who care passionately about their community. The mosaic is finally complete and hopefully will be there for many years. On to the next project! Here’s some photos of the day and the wall:

Unveiling the mosaic

Unveiling the mosaic


Councilman Mitch O’Farrell hands me a Commendation


Mario and Martin grout all day with me!




…..and AFTER!




I met so many wonderful people along the way



A custom tile thanks all the volunteers and donors